Sasha planned to give birth with a midwife and developed a birth plan for a peaceful, unmedicated birth. Some of her plans necessarily go out the window when, at 37 weeks, Sasha is diagnosed with pre-eclampsia and has to immediately come to the hospital in the snow to be induced for the safety of her and her daughter. This story will help expectant parents think through their choices in care providers both in pregnancy as well as for baby, and also drives home the value of hiring a doula.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 67 - A Rainbow Baby’s Unmedicated Birth
Today Emily shares her two pregnancy stories and a birth story. First, she describes experiencing pregnancy loss at 11 weeks. She details how her grief was longer-lasting and more complex than she expected and shares the essential support she discovered. Then Emily tells the story of conceiving to her rainbow baby shortly after the Covid-19 shutdown and then tells the birth story.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 66 - An Opera Singer’s 2 Hypnobirths
Linnea shares 2 birth stories in which she used Hypnobirthing techniques in different ways: 1 hospital birth and 1 home birth — both with midwives. She also shares some challenges she faced with a couple of early health issues her two newborns had, and reflects on the loss of her mother prior to becoming a mom.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 65 - Grief in Growing a Family
Danuta & Jacek share their two babies’ birth stories — 1 hospital, 1 birthing center -- both quick and unmedicated, as she had hoped. Danuta also shares about the grief & sadness she experienced transitioning from having one child to two and how important having emotional support around her was.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 64 - Non-Linear Grief: A Brooklyn Homebirth
As a surprise for their (aspiring midwife) daughter's 13th birthday, Sarah & Steve share her birth story. Sarah shares about the loss of her mother about 7 years prior and how giving birth triggered waves of fresh grief. At the same time, she'll describe what an optimal experience she had giving birth at home with a midwife in Brooklyn. As a literacy expert and anti-racist educator, Sarah also shares a number of great book recommendations, including an emphasis on exposing little ones to diversity & representation in books as early as possible.
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