Today you’ll hear Mariko’s & Rick’s story of hiring a doula very well-suited to them for Mariko’s labor and who served them in very practical and holistic ways throughout pregnancy, labor, and into postpartum. Right around 40 weeks, Mariko’s OB decides there’s a bit of concern about baby’s well-being due to lack of movement, so they check into their Long Island hospital, Winthrop, for an induction. She shares the ways in which she was able to find coping strategies that rendered an epidural or other pain meds unnecessary. They also talk a bit about how they believe their meditation practice translated into labor. They’re also going to share a few parenting strategies that could be useful for parenting your newborn.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 8 - A Physician's Perspective on Giving Birth
Today you’ll hear a birth story told by Leah & Trevor, first time parents. Leah is a hospitalist physician, and she’ll share how her professional background informed the way she approached assembling her birth & pediatrician team. Her partner, Trevor, will share his insights about the experience of supporting her through labor. Leah & Trevor will talk about their uncomplicated birth with an epidural and a bit of pitocin when things weren’t progressing as readily as it seemed they should. She’ll also discuss how she couldn’t bear to be on her back for pushing and was encouraged to push in whatever way felt instinctive to her. You’ll also hear about some of her frustrations with the lack of anticipatory guidance in the breastfeeding support at her hospital.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 7 - Choosing Home Birth for a 2nd Baby
In this episode, Kat & Tom share their positive, empowering story of their 2nd son’s rather efficient birth at home with midwife, Cara Muhlhahn, their doula and a friend who just happens to also be a doula. This birth followed their much more challenging first birth in a hospital environment, which largely informed their decision to give birth at home the second time around.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 6 - An Uncomplicated Hospital Epidural Birth with Doula Support
On today’s episode, Ariel shares her birth story about laboring at home for a good, long time until active labor, then moving on to epidural once at the hospital, and an efficient pushing stage. She shares the importance of doula support & taking birth classes. Listen to hear about her baby's struggle with tongue tie & how getting it corrected helped breastfeeding dramatically improve.
Read moreBirth Matters Podcast, Ep 5 - Hospital Induction with Doula Support
On today’s episode, Julie shares the story of struggles to conceive for 6 years and ultimately conceiving via IVF, and then goes on to tell her son Cian’s birth story. Her water breaks as the first sign of labor and she proceeds to have a 22-hour induced, but otherwise unmedicated, labor. This is a great birth story to learn some of the benefits of hiring a doula -- also known as professional labor support -- toward strategically avoiding unnecessary interventions. You’ll also hear the smart ways in which Julie advocates for herself to help get the kind of communication she needs to feel confident and peaceful along the way.
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