Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 26 - A Pediatric Nurse's 2 Preemie Births with Hospital Midwives

Today Ellen shares the birth stories of her two daughters, who were both born prematurely. We discuss the benefits of midwifery care and why Ellen chose midwives for both of her births, as well as some of the insurance challenges that we face when attempting to choose midwives. She details how both of her daughters were not only preemies but also how her bag of waters broke as the first sign of labor both times. Ellen describes specific ways she coped with the challenges of labor and how her training as a prenatal yoga teacher and meditation habits as a couple informed her strategies. She also shares about early breastfeeding challenges and both of her daughters’ diagnoses with and treatment for tongue-tie.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 25 - 911 to Hospital for Unmedicated Birth Inspires Doula Work

In today’s episode, Ann shares details of her experience giving birth for the first time. Her labor progresses more quickly than most first labors, and she explains how they called an ambulance when she thought she felt the baby’s head. She’ll describe that she was, indeed, very close to pushing upon arrival at the hospital, though not quite as far along as she had thought. After she shares her birth story, she’ll also explain how her birth inspired her to move into birth and postpartum doula work as she relocated to be closer to family in southwest Florida. She also talks a bit about her Christian faith and her favorite song for labor, which is linked in the show notes for this episode at

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 24 - An Attorney's Hospital Induction w/o Pain Meds, with a doula

Today, Stephanie, who’s an attorney for an organization called Protect Democracy, shares the story of her daughter Kimathi’s birth, which was an induction that Stephanie was able to move through without any pain meds and with the support of a doula. She shares how she chose a doula who was Latina as she wanted someone who could understand her background and experience as a Puerto Rican woman and help her most effectively advocate for herself as needed. She also describes some of the creative ways she found much-needed support through social media, especially after birth, and will also touch on the challenges and changes in the nature of her relationship with Kimathi’s dad toward co-parenting early on in their daughter’s life and how much more support she needed as a result.

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