Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 91 - Arriving to Hospital Just in Time to Push

Because of her experiences working in the medical field, Kelly knew it was really important to make very intentional choices surrounding her care provider and support team, so she chose to hire a midwife & a doula. She describes how quickly her labor progresses while laboring at home and how showing up just in time to push contributed to an easier-than-she-expected birthing process.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 90 - A Runner’s Fast Labor

When Kaley shows up to the hospital due to some bleeding after being 4cm dilated for weeks. While there, her water breaks spontaneously, and her contractions start soon after she advocates for them to hold off on inducing labor. She goes on to have a very fast labor and birth, with 3rd stage complications for her uterus after baby’s birth.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 88 - An Aussie’s 2nd Unmedicated Hospital Birth

Transplanted Aussie Lauren shares the story of her unmedicated 2nd birth in a New Jersey hospital in which she needed to speak up and advocate to have the unmedicated birth she wanted. She also compares and contrasts the experience to giving birth the first time in Australia.

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