Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 64 - Non-Linear Grief: A Brooklyn Homebirth

As a surprise for their (aspiring midwife) daughter's 13th birthday, Sarah & Steve share her birth story. Sarah shares about the loss of her mother about 7 years prior and how giving birth triggered waves of fresh grief. At the same time, she'll describe what an optimal experience she had giving birth at home with a midwife in Brooklyn. As a literacy expert and anti-racist educator, Sarah also shares a number of great book recommendations, including an emphasis on exposing little ones to diversity & representation in books as early as possible.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 62 - A Wellness Practitioner’s Early Induction for HELLP Syndrome

A yoga teacher & clinical nutritionist shares her firstborn's birth story. Jennifer had hoped to have a peaceful, unmedicated birth with a midwfie, but the fact that she developed HELLP syndrome in late pregnancy required an emergency induction. When presented with what felt like an unrealistic deadline to give birth vaginally, she and baby defeat the odds and successfully accomplish just that.

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