Parenting & Infant Care Resources
Safety (Infant CPR, car seat, etc.)
Pediatrician - Seren Pediatrics (home visits; membership model)
(contact us privately for further recommendations of those with offices)
Pediatric Bodywork
Dr. Louis Vella, D.C., C.C.N., D.A.C.B.N. (Astoria), 718-726-5454 - Gentle family chiropractic with prenatal & newborn specialty, Webster-certified
Pediatric Craniosacral Therapy - BabyCranioNY - Regina Patane, CST
Dr. Helena Marie Tsourounakis D.C., Queens Center Chiropractic - Elmhurst, Webster-certified in pediatrics and prenatal care
Lactation & Infant Feeding Therapy/OT - Nurturing Lift - Gabriela “Bella” Rochford, OT, IBCLC
Pediatric Therapy (PT & OT) - Dynamic Solutions, Dr. Mirav Newman, DPT
Parenting Classes/Coaching
Mommy Groove - Olivia Bergeron - parent coaching
Positive Parenting Solutions (online course)
Parent/Baby Classes
The Art Farm (UES)
British Swim School (Brooklyn, Manhattan, NJ)
Freestyle Swim (College Point)
Goldfish Swim School (Glendale)
Gugu Gaga Gymboree (Astoria)
Gym-azing (Astoria)
JC Bump & Baby (NYC, Brooklyn, northern NJ)
Music Together / Treble Time (Astoria)
Music Together (Bayside, Forest Hills, Glendale, and Little Neck)
MyGym (Astoria)
Prenatal Yoga Center (UWS, mommy & me yoga)
SoulHug Movement Baby Playgroup - Infant Developmental Movement Education with Maggie Gavin (in-person at Suryaside Yoga)
Take Me to the Water (20 locations in NJ & NJ including Forest Hills)
Other (babywearing, infant massage, cloth diapering, etc.)
JCHB Women’s Center - donation-based virtual parenting classes
Public Health Solutions - Queens diaper bank, crib distribution
Tummy Time Together classes & online course - We Grow Together, Dan Rindler, Feldenkrais® practitioner
Bright Start Babies - NYC classes on tummy time, infant massage, etc.
MOMally, Andrea Scannell, Parenting Coach, Sleep Consultant
DiaperKind - NYC cloth diaper service
Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Database - research the safest toiletries for your family (Healthy Living app)
Tiny Hands Learning - Baby Sign Language online course
Babywearing resources: Babywearing Educator Adriane Stare on benefits (IGtv), article on benefits, safety, Babywearing week
LGBTQIA / Queer parenting resources (Philadelphia Family Pride)
Phoebe - support for new parents
Blood & Milk (parenting & 4th trimester articles)
Can Do Kiddo - Strengths-based development for babies, toddlers and parents
Chicana M(other)work podcast
The Fourth Trimester podcast
The Fourth Trimester Project (UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health)
Free Baby Stuff (Coupon Chief)
The Longest Shortest Time (podcast for parents)
Lucie's List - baby product info
Mommifaceted - podcast for moms of color
Mommysavers - bargains/discounts on baby and other family items
Single Black Motherhood podcast
Zero to Three - infant development