Local Hospital Stats / Research
USA TODAY’s Deadly Delivery series (lookup by hospital or city – has cesarean and episiotomy rates as well as mortality rates compared to the U.S. rate, including broken out for Black birthing folks)
Leapfrog Group – put in your zip code and then as you click on each hospital, click “View this hospital's Leapfrog Hospital Survey Results” below the name and then click “Maternity Care”. They report rates on cesarean, episiotomy, and more.
Birth by the Numbers (links to a list of state-specific resources/links to info)
Vital Statistics - NY Hospitals
Baby Friendly USA - Baby Friendly hospital search by location
CDC MPinc survey - stats by city on maternity/infant practices
PERISTATS (March of Dimes; CDC links to this for NY stats)
Wonder.cdc.gov - birth statistics by state and other factors – vbac rates by state, how many births attended by midwives
Joint Commission Quality Check (not all states have perinatal care data, including NYC & TX as of Nov 2021)