Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 59 - Reframing a Challenging Vaginal Birth

Manhattan couple Jen & Zach share their son’s birth story. Desperate to avoid induction, having sex seems to do the trick and Jen’s water breaks. When they show up to the hospital hoping to just confirm the water broke and go home, they get checked into the hospital. While Jen does get to have the vaginal birth she hoped for, most of her other birth preferences require adjustment — including getting a different OB and doula than planned as well as several interventions she had hoped to avoid being used. As a Jewish couple, they’ll also describe their son’s bris.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 56 - Fertility Doula & 2 IVF Birth Stories (Pt 2)

Today we continue our fertility journey series and share the second part of fertility doula Alison Wehr’s 2 IVF and birth stories. Alison’s second path to conception was a smoother one; today she shares how quickly IVF worked this time around, how she wasn’t nearly as anxious this time, and will detail her second born’s birth story that started with her water breaking a few days before her estimated due date. After she shares her son’s birth story, she discusses how she got into fertility doula as well as birth and postpartum work.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 55 - Fertility Doula & 2 IVF Birth Stories (Pt 1)

In this and next week's episode, birth & fertility doula Alison Wehr shares stories of her two babies’ IVF conception and birth stories. *Trigger alert: this first part includes some stories of loss in the process of trying to conceive.* She spends early labor at a Broadway play with her husband and then shares about a post-Hurricane Sandy blackout just after they came home with baby.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 54 - Life and Loss: Shared by a Black Full Spectrum Doula

Marise Angibeau-Gray, a Black mother and full spectrum doula, shares the story of 3 pregnancy losses -- one in each trimester -- that led up to her 4th baby’s birth story. (TRIGGER ALERT: Please note that this episode may be upsetting for anyone who has experienced pregnancy loss or trauma.) Marise shares aspects of the emotional journey as well as how she selected each of her care providers and eventually found an optimal fit who would give her customized care. She also shares insights on a couple of things that are NOT helpful to say to someone who has experienced pregnancy loss.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 53 - 2nd IVF with Frozen Embryo & Homebirth Transfer (Pt 2)

Today is part 2 of Adriane’s 2nd IVF and birth story. this is a story of a transfer from a homebirth in the pushing stage due to the fact that her baby was in an awkward position. We left off last week just before Adriane’s midwife advises them to transfer to the hospital. Today she shares how she was still able to have a vaginal birth, but also shares some of the challenges she faced in the hospital environment, particularly after the birth.

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