Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 62 - A Wellness Practitioner’s Early Induction for HELLP Syndrome

A yoga teacher & clinical nutritionist shares her firstborn's birth story. Jennifer had hoped to have a peaceful, unmedicated birth with a midwfie, but the fact that she developed HELLP syndrome in late pregnancy required an emergency induction. When presented with what felt like an unrealistic deadline to give birth vaginally, she and baby defeat the odds and successfully accomplish just that.

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Birth Matters Podcast, Ep 18 - Cesarean for Breech and HELLP Syndrome

Emily & Paul share the story of how they did everything they could to help their son to turn from breech to head down (vertex) so Emily could give birth vaginally, to no avail. So, they had to have a scheduled cesarean, but at least were able to go into labor spontaneously before the surgical birth. They share how Emily was diagnosed with a serious complication called HELLP Syndrome and how baby had to go to the NICU for low blood sugar, and some of the challenges that these complications presented.

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